Joined the company in 2016

Cooking department

Koki Higa

"Aburaya Tosen" is an ideal environment for me because I can learn from cooking skills to management while working.I don't know when it will be, but I want to do my best to make my dreams come true.Until then, I will do my best to serve the company and customers, and strive to provide more satisfying food and customer service.

Cooking at an inn is a special world.
The customer performance was also attractive.

I used to work at Japanese restaurants in Nagoya and Ishikawa.The chef, who I had been working with for a long time, was approached by "Aburaya Tosen", which made me interested in this dish.What I found most appealing at that time was that there was a customer performance.I've had experience with open kitchen stores, but if it's a customer performance, I can talk with customers.It's a point that I like as an inn, so I definitely wanted to take on the challenge, so I moved here with the chef.
It was my first experience cooking at an inn, so at first I was confused (laughs).Until now, it was a style of starting cooking after receiving an order at a so-called "reservation-san" partner's shop.However, at an inn, we know in advance the number of customers and the demands for cooking.Prepare according to it and cook in large quantities at once.It was a style I had never experienced before, so it was very fresh and educational.

Contact with customers through cooking
Motivation will also increase.

What I keep in mind when working is not only cooking but also how to interact with customers. At "Aburaya Tosen", you will have the opportunity to directly interact with customers through customer performances.Basically, it is an explanation of cooking, but from a professional point of view, I can explain it in more detail than Mr. Nakai, so I am very pleased. The goal is to serve customers so that they will want to come again.Being able to directly hear the voices of customers such as "It was delicious" and "The smile is wonderful" also leads to motivation.
Of course, I have failed.There are various customers, so even if I throw a conversation, I can't get on that much. Sometimes I sweated cold, "I wonder if something was different."
Also, since the ryokan has many customers from overseas, I learned the explanation in English.It's a katakoto (laughs).If you have a problem, ask Mr. Nakai for help.There are quite a few people who can speak English in Mr. Nakai.I also want to learn English and be able to respond smoothly.

There are so many opportunities to learn, and you can also acquire a sense of management.

At the cooking department of "Aburaya Tosen", you can learn both cooking and customer service.I think it's a perfect environment for people who want to own a store in the future.In order to have a store, not only cooking but also customer service is very important.Also, I think this is also a feature of "Aburaya Tosen", but here the staff of the cooking department also have many opportunities to learn, such as cost accounting and management training.This is because the president's policy is to raise the level of the inn as a whole by allowing each employee to acquire a sense of management.

I'm from Okinawa and my brother who lives locally is also a cook.Eventually, my dream is to return to Okinawa and open a store with her brother. "Aburaya Tosen" is an ideal environment for me because I can learn from cooking skills to management while working.I don't know when it will be, but I want to do my best to make my dreams come true.Until then, I will do my best to serve the company and customers, and strive to provide more satisfying food and customer service.

how to spend the holidays

When I was a student, I belonged to the soccer club for 12 years, and when I was in high school, I was a deputy captain at a school that was in the top XNUMX of the prefecture.In play, I was doing voluntary and forward with speed and unbeatable strength.I still want to kick the ball on holidays, but I don't have a team of working people around me.On holidays, I exercise my body by running and strength training.I want to gather friends and play soccer.