Company Information

Company Profile

It is a company profile of Aburaya Tosen.
Information such as company information, corporate philosophy, management policy, etc.

Company name Aburaya Tosen Co., Ltd.
Representative Name Representative Director Takayuki Yumoto
Location 381-0402 Sano, Yamanouchi-machi, Shimotakai-gun, Nagano 2586-5
Capital 1,000 million yen
Establishment December 1967
Employees 45 people


Corporate Philosophy

Share a smile

All of us, Abura and Tosen, treat our customers every day under this philosophy.
It is a word that expresses our joy and happiness to treat our customers with better hospitality, to make them happy, and to be impressed.
We give our customers a smile, and they give us.
We will be the source and share smiles with many customers, contributing to a society full of smiles.
I want to share a smile with as many people as possible.We aim to be such a company.


Management Philosophy

1. We aim to create new value, grow our business and realize the well-being of our employees.

  • Regardless of the frame of "ryokan", we constantly introduce new value and continue to develop
  • Aiming for the development of the company through management with the participation of all employees, and aiming for the realization of happiness for all employees

2. We will continue to learn and grow.

  • Think for yourself and act for yourself
  • Work hard with aspirations

3. We contribute to the development of the region.

  • Delight and impress everyone involved in Abura and Tosen
  • So that the development of Abura and Tosen can contribute to the development of the region


Quality Policy

  • 1. We consider the customer first principle and provide "high quality" and "satisfaction / impression" trusted by customers.
  • 2. Strive for continuous improvement through the quality management system (PDCA), comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and always provide better products and services in response to customer requirements.