Company Information
It is a company profile of Aburaya Tosen.
Information such as company information, corporate philosophy, management policy, etc.
Company name | Aburaya Tosen Co., Ltd. |
Representative Name | Representative Director Takayuki Yumoto |
Location | 381-0402 Sano, Yamanouchi-machi, Shimotakai-gun, Nagano 2586-5 |
Capital | 1,000 million yen |
Establishment | December 1967 |
Employees | 45 people |
All of us, Abura and Tosen, treat our customers every day under this philosophy.
It is a word that expresses our joy and happiness to treat our customers with better hospitality, to make them happy, and to be impressed.
We give our customers a smile, and they give us.
We will be the source and share smiles with many customers, contributing to a society full of smiles.
I want to share a smile with as many people as possible.We aim to be such a company.